Cold Immersion Therapy

“If we always choose comfort, we never learn the deepest capabilities of our mind or body.”


Using Deliberate Cold Exposure for Health and Performance

Dr. Huberman describes mechanisms by which deliberate cold exposure can enhance mental health, physical health, and performance. He details specific protocols to safely engage in deliberate cold exposure, including minimal exposure times, time-of-day effects, determining optimal temperatures, recovery, mindset, and movement during cold exposure.

Breath Is Life & Cold Is God: 'The Iceman' Wim Hof

Please enjoy this conversation with Ultramarathoner Rich Roll and 'The Iceman' Wim Hof — a modern-day force of nature who has mastered the art of breath to unlock heightened states of consciousness & untapped reservoirs of human potential to do the unfathomable.

Disclaimer: Never practice any of the breathing exercises described in this conversation without proper training or supervision. Avoid doing them before/during any activities where a loss of consciousness may prove life threatening. The breathing methods discussed may have a profound effect and should be practiced exactly as explained and always in a safe environment.